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The Importance of Foot and Ankle Care

Discover some of the simple ways in which you can care for your feet day in and day out.foot care

It’s safe to say that most of us heavily rely on our feet to go about our daily lives. It’s not something we often think about until a problem happens that affects our ability to go the gym, run errands or walk up steps. Our feet are rather complex structures, made up of 26 bones, 33 joints and a vast number of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Our Brooksville, FL, podiatrist Dr. Charles Chapel is here to make sure you know how to keep your feet healthy and happy.

Your Personal Foot Care Routine

Perhaps you are quite sure what this entails but hopefully you’ve been doing things like cleaning your feet every day and trimming your toenails. These are simple measures yet they are also important ones. Washing your feet with soap and water is the best way to remove bacteria that can produce fungal infections and other problems. Trimming your toenail properly once a week can also prevent you from developing common problems such as ingrown toenails.

Furthermore, the shoes you wear are also important to the health of your feet. Your feet provide a little natural shock absorption when you walk or run; however, over time this can be wearing on your feet. You also need shoes that offer additional protection and support. Opt for shoes that offer cushioning and stability and enough room for toes to freely move around (toes should never be bunched up). Also, avoid high heels (heels taller than 2 inches), as this can put unnecessary pressure on areas of the feet.

Remember, giving your feet a little care and TLC regularly can go a long way to improving the look and health of your feet and reducing your risk for an infection or long-term issues like bunions and hammertoes.

The Purpose of a Podiatrist

There are many issues that may surface along the way that may cause foot and ankle pain, swelling, discomfort or other issues. When this happens it’s important that you can turn to our Brooksville, FL, foot doctor for proper care. While a lot of patients will be able to manage minor symptoms with simple at-home measures it’s also important to know when it’s time to come in for professional care.

We can prevent issues, diagnose and treat problems, and even offer advice on appropriate footwear, at-home foot care and other concerns you might have.

Chapel Podiatry provides comprehensive foot and ankle care to not just Brooksville, FL, but also Spring Hill, Homosassa & Hudson, FL. If you have questions about the services we offer or just need to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to call our office today.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





